Banish Gender Studies from colleges and universities

By Dissident Teacher

With Mary Barra as the head of General Motors, Sheryl Sandberg at Facebook and Ginny Rometty the CEO of IBM, how anyone complain women aren’t in top financial leadership positions in the country and the world?

Four of the last seven Secretaries of State were women.  Janice Yellen served as the chair of the Federal Reserve. Christine Lagarde runs the International Monetary Fund.  With Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House, again, it’s hard to claim that women aren’t in the positions of power of this country.

Yet, as Heather McDonald explained, “Females are determined to think of themselves as victims.”

Women’s Studies taken over by Gender and/Sexuality Studies

Before the sixties and seventies, the academic women weren’t necessarily feminists, but when feminists infiltrated universities they insisted on women’s studies programs.  Women’s Studies departments developed out of the concern that women’s voices and achievements were traditionally ignored by men in academia.  Now women’s studies has an entirely different meaning, pushing an agenda that restrains freedom of thought and ideas.

Today universities commit to diversity, which has become far more important than meritocracy. The past President of Harvard University from 2007-2018, Drew Gilpin Faust, is a women, and in 2015, half the Ivy League schools were headed by women.  

(It’s not okay to be a male, especially a white, heterosexual male if you wish to move up in the academic world…………or even get a job.) 

It’s not scientific

While many progressives carry placards saying “I support science,” there are no classes more subjective and unscientific then women’s studies, gender studies, LGBTQ studies and all its derivations.

How can universities get away with it?

Gender studies classes force an agenda.  The curricula investigate queerness, identity, nonconformity and transgenderism.  There’s an underlying bias that gender is culturally determined, and not human nature. Along with this ideology is a viewpoint that only sees the world through the narrow lens of power and oppression. (The underlying thought is oppression of non-conforming sexuality keeps people from coming out as LGBT.)

Instead of serving for the expansion of knowledge, universities are fast becoming political institutions with agendas.  For example, the conference page of Portland State University’s website has an “Outlist.”  It’s a long list, explaining: “We are your professors, alumni, students, staff, faculty, coworkers and friends.  We support the Portland State University lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and ally community.” 

Academic disciplines foster gender bending ideas

Funding for publications is routinely given to people who advance agendas instead of truly independent scholarship.  For example, the Ruth Benedict Book Prize is presented each year at the American Anthropological Association’s annual meeting to acknowledge excellence in a scholarly book that engages issues and theoretical perspectives relevant to LGBTQ studies. (Anthropologist Ruth Benedict was a gutsy, independent woman, but there’s scant evidence for categorizing her with the LBGTQ community.) A look the winners of this award shows that scholars receive money to write books that advance the cause of untraditional sexuality. It’s sponsored by the Association for Queer Anthropology (AQA).

“The Association for Queer Anthropology serves the interests of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and other queer and allied anthropologists in the American Anthropological Association. AQA promotes anthropological research and education on homosexuality, bisexuality, transgender/transsexuality, and other sexual and gender identities and expressions, and their intersections with race, class, disability, nationality, colonialism and globalization,” according to their webpage.

When universities advertise their inclusiveness for LGBTQ, there’s a fine line between making people feel comfortable and advancing an ideology. Does having a concentration in LBGT classes teach understanding and tolerance, or is actually recruiting?  

We already have diversity and inclusion in the academic world, so why is there any need to promulgate identity politics?  Diversity in classroom settings is a plus because it offers a forum that can advance understanding of a variety of perspectives.   However, diversity is now used for the wrong reasons, to advance specific political ideals and restrain freedom of thought. 

What is a college education?

In the past, a college education was about learning for life, learning to live with other people and fostering free thought – which often comes from classical education, not political agenda. In other words, Humanities classes, Greek Mythology and 12th century English Poetry are not a waste of time.

Building an agenda is not the same as educating and fostering ideas, discussion and dialogue. Our educational system is bloated, but hardly anyone thinks it’s getting better. Quite the contrary, there’s been a dumbing down in college education. Too often, higher education just panders to the whims of spoiled students who have no preparation for really getting along in life or the world. More and more, colleges are allowing students to determine the agenda. It’s chaotic.  Right now there’s a petition against Camille Paglia at UArts in Philadelphia: “Paglia should be removed from UArts faculty and replaced by a queer person of color.”

Now is the time to banish Gender Studies

Traditional feminist issues, such as the idea that women have no voice, or they have been ignored by history, are moot points in this day and age. 

Gender Studies classes in universities are a waste of tuition and a waste of academic effort, since they construct a world which is not about education or job training.  Government loans should not support such classes. The original purpose of Women’s Studies is gone; NO Federal money should go into fostering Women’s Studies or Gender Studies programs.  NO FEDERAL money should go into advocating for the advancement of FEMALES over MALES.  Enough of society’s reverse sexism.

Dissident Teacher, mother and graduate of a Big Ten university, has taught at the college level for nearly 25 years.

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